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Клапана Ferrea +1мм комплект Toyota 2JZ F1497P F1496P

  • Производитель: Ferrea
  • Артикул: F1497P / F1496P
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии

Комплект клапанов Ferrea Competition Plus +1мм для двигателей Toyota 2JZ

P/N F1497P и F1496P

Комплект состоит из 24 клапанов (12 впускных и 12 выпускных)

Head Diameter: 34.6mm (intake)
30.0mm (exhaust)
Stem Diameter: 5.98mm (intake)
5.98mm (exhaust)

Valve Length: 98.55mm (intake)
99.1mm (exhaust)

Tip Length: 3.5mm (intake)
3.5mm (exhaust)

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Ferrea Competition Plus Valves have built a reputation as the industry's most reliable extreme duty valve. To manufacture the valves we use special aerospace quality alloys, including the EV8-Z18, which provides high tensile strength. An exclusive two-step slow forging process ensures proper grain flow and virtually eliminates any damage to thematerial structure. The valves are then heat-treated and stress-relieved over a 48-hour period, which is the crucial base of our molecular integrity. These valves feature avionics-quality hard chrome along with a specially applied hard tip.

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